This has to be one of the most discreet portable vaporizers I’ve seen to date! The Indica Vaporizer looks just like a zippo lighter only slightly larger, and is capable of truly vaporizing your dry herbs. It also has a pretty decent sized heating chamber which means less time packing and more time vaping your favorite flowers!
The Indica Vaporizer has great battery life and allows you to select your preferred temperature setting to customize your vape the way you like it. It fits great in your pocket and while this is not one of your more cheaper units, it’s highly worth a grab!
- Compact & discreet design
- Led indicator system
- Chamber temperature control – 340F to 412F
- 1.5 hours of continuous use and days of moderate use
- 0.31g dry herb capacity
The Indica Vaporizer
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Here’s a review of the Indica Vaporizer by Vaporizers101: